Yoga does not only bring you
inner peace; it also stretches those important parts of the body!
There are steps in yoga that stretches the back, the sides, and the
joints. The most famous positions include the cobra stretch, leg
kick, side bends, cross legged backstretch, and curling pelvic
thrusts. Perform the cobra stretch by laying flat on the floor, then
slowly arching your spine, stretching the arms, and lifting the chin
to ensure the curl of the spine. Keep your feet on the ground on this
type of stretching. When doing a particular position, stay in that
position for 30 seconds and repeat for three to five times to ensure
best results.
Pilates roll over can be a
bit more challenging, and the exact position can be executed once the
body is already flexible due to constant exercise. The Pilates roll
over can be done by lying your back flat on the ground, then lifting
both legs pointing to the ceiling, and then bend it backwards until
the foot touches the floor above your head. If the position can’t
be accomplished at first, just keep on trying and you will get it in
the future. This position requires the body to be flexible already.
The Pilates roll over can stretch both the spine and the vertebrae of
the neck. Stay in this position for 30 seconds and repeat it for
three to five times to ensure better results.
One exercise that is obviously dedicated for growing
taller is hanging. Learn how to get taller here.
This is simply done by holding on a bar and suspending you body in a
straight position. Hanging stretches the spine and joints. Remember
to keep the tension on the spine, not on the wrist. Avoid swinging
while hanging since it is going to disturb the stretching of the
spine, and keep your feet together. This should be done at least 30
minutes a week. All this exercise needs is a bar that is 7 feet above
the ground. If the bar is not present at home, then you may try
hanging on a sturdy three.
A great morning exercise should include stretching,
as it stimulates the blood circulation, and loosening of the tight
muscles. Stretching increases the amount of growth hormones in the
blood. This is also a pre- and post-workout activity. This results to
flexibility and muscle control. The best stretching positions that
should be included in your morning routine list are the following:
for the neck, do neck forward and neck left and right. Then, the back
must be stretched through the back extension position. For the sides,
perform an elbow pull-over, shoulder over, and bridge stretch.
Shoulder across and back are going to loosen the tension in the
joints. Stretch your legs by performing the hamstring stretch, calf
stretch, and quad and flexor stretch. Perform each position for
around 10 to 15 seconds daily.
It is still best for your body to engage
into sports, such as swimming, running, and
cycling. These types of sports stretch important muscles, which can
elongate your physique. Swimming is the most recommended as it has
low risk of injuries, and it does promote increasing in height as
long as it is performed properly.
There are a lot of exercises that promote growth. While
these exercises are effective, you can maximize these potentials by
combining regular exercise with proper diet and regular intake of
water. Include a proper amount of rest at night as well in this
growth equation. The natural way is an effective and cheap way to
grow, as long as it is performed regularly at properly!