Creating a balance between body and spirit is the main
goal of yoga. Yoga also comprises of certain poses that can promote
better posture which can make you seem taller. As the body is trained
with positions that can relief tension on the spine and the muscles,
we can adapt that proper posture and unconsciously sit and stand
straight every day. This meditation relaxes the mind and body, which
relieves stress. Without stress, growth hormones produce more. Stress
is actually one of the hindrances of producing hormones. Since this
meditation also includes breathing exercises, this promotes blood
circulation. Good blood circulation gives the body’s vitamins,
minerals, and nutrients a transport system to the vital parts of the
They say laughter us the best medicine. It cannot treat
and cure everything literally, but laughter is an important practice
that makes us healthier since we are free from stress. It leads to
better oxygenation, and it even strengthens the heart. Cardiovascular
diseases and heart attacks are prevented with laughing frequently. It
also fills our bodies with energy. It can also produce growth hormone
since this eliminates stress. Aside from these, it diminishes the
pain we feel and it boosts the immune system which makes our body
stronger against common diseases. Laughing can also help you keep
that positive attitude in order for you to reach your goal. Keep in
mind that you want to grow taller; therefore, keep a positive spirit
by laughing! This positive spirit is going to motivate you to
continue doing the practices that makes you taller: exercising,
eating the right food, drinking lots of water, and sleeping. Quick how to get taller tips!
Yoga and laughter both do not directly contribute to
height growth. What really causes the person to grow by performing
yoga came from a cause and effect relationship. Yoga promotes mind
and body exercise and relaxation from stress – these factors, when
achieved, produces growth hormones and makes the body elongate. This
is when the height growth starts. Doing yoga for the whole month is
not going to show that increase in height yet. Keep on performing
yoga the proper way in order to maximize the growth potential
effectively. Aid it with proper diet, and drinking lots of water.
When all these factors are combined with yoga and laughing, then that
desired height is more attainable since these factors are now working
together and complementing the positive effects of each other.
meditation is one of the top five exercises that promote height
growth. Some of the other top exercises are doing Pilates,
stretching, hanging, and engaging in sports. Stretching is different
from yoga in a way that it is a warm-up before extreme exercise or
strenuous sports. It is done through certain positions that aim to
stretch the neck, back, arms, and legs. In hanging, you literally
hang your body. It is done by holding on a bar about 7 feet above the
ground, then letting yourself hang straight. The body should be
straight and the tension must be on the middle part of the body. When
it comes to sports, the recommended sport to take is swimming; most
especially that it has the least risk of getting injured. It
stretches the back part of the body, arms, and legs. Aside from
swimming, running and cycling are also recommended. Remember to
stretch first before practicing your chosen sport!